This Month


December 12, 2009

The Rev. W. Andrew Waldo elected 8th Bishop of Upper South Carolina.

December 5, 2009

The Very Rev. Morris Thompson elected 11th Bishop of Louisiana.

December 5, 2009

The Rev. Canon Mary Glasspool elected Bishop Suffragan of Los Angeles.

December 4, 2009

The Rev. Canon Diane Jardine Bruce elected Bishop Suffragan of Los Angeles.

November 20, 2009

The Rev. Dr. Michael Joseph Hanley is elected 10th Bishop of Oregon

November 3, 2009

The Episcopal Diocese of Western New York calls for bishop nominations.

October 31, 2009

The Rev. John Tarrant ordained and consecrated bishop coadjutor in South Dakota.

October 31, 2009

The Rev. Brian Prior elected ninth bishop of Minnesota

October 24, 2009

The Rev. Dr. Ian T. Douglas elected bishop of Connecticut

October 16, 2009

The Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina announces nominees.

October 2, 2009

Diocese of Louisiana announces nominees.

September 19, 2009

The Rev. Lawrence Provenzano ordained and consecrated bishop coadjutor in Long Island.

September 12, 2009

The Rev. Scott A. Benhase elected 10th Bishop of Georgia.

Diocese of Oregon

  • Election Info
  • Profile
  • Nominees
  • Election Results

Election Date and Location


  November 20, 2009


  Eugene Hilton, Eugene, Oregon

More Info

  Diocese of Oregon Bishop Search Website


[from the Diocese of Oregon Bishop Search Website]

Our Purpose

How to Apply

What Sort of Bishop are We Seeking?

Committee Members

About the Diocese of Oregon

About Oregon

Ministries of the Diocese of Oregon

Parish Resources

Diocesan Institutions and Other Church Organizations

Contact Information

Challenges of the Future


Our Purpose

How we Discerned our Purpose - Appreciative Inquiry

We present here the results of a process begun in July, 2008 to help us define how we understand God; what we value about our church and life here in Oregon; and what we believe God is calling our diocese to become. The results reflect a thoughtful synthesis of our hopes and dreams for our diocese and those qualities we’d like to see in our next bishop.

Starting in summer of 2008, ninety clergy and lay leaders met to evaluate the state of the diocese and to dream about its future. These deliberations were framed by the Appreciative Inquiry method of evaluation and discussion and centered on the following questions.

Similar discussions took place at Convocation meetings throughout the diocese in the Fall of 2008. Then, at the Diocesan Convention in November 2008, 465 clergy and lay delegates took part in extensive discussions around the questions stated above and generated a series of metaphors for our ideal diocese. Finally, in January 2009, the Search Committee, the Transition Committee and the Diocesan Standing Committee held a two-day retreat to refine the results of all the discussions. At this retreat, the combined committees developed a shared understanding of the purpose and mission of the Diocese of Oregon.

Our Understanding of God

In the Diocese of Oregon we experience the joy and immanence of God in the beauty of nature as much as in the life of the institutional church. We see God existing in and extending into all parts of the created universe. We understand and experience God:

  • As the Source of creation in all its diversity.

  • As the Son who is present when we reach out to those in need and when we enter into the struggles and ambiguity of our common humanity.

  • As the Spirit who gives us our individual gifts and our yearning for community.

The Holy Trinity unites us and is present with us in our common liturgy and our lives.

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The Purpose of the Diocese of Oregon

Our purpose is to joyfully nourish the minds, bodies and souls of the people of Western Oregon as we give witness to God’s reign. We do this:

  • Grounded in the Anglican tradition, expressing a broad spectrum of sacramental life.

  • Through intellectual enquiry.

  • By providing tangible support to those in need in Oregon and beyond.

  • By connecting and embracing our unique gifts.

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The Mission of the Diocese of Oregon

Our mission is to proclaim God’s love in the best way we know how. This includes being the hands, feet and voice of Jesus as we:

  • Share the sacraments.

  • Feed the hungry; house the homeless; clothe the poor.

  • Help people put their lives back together; comfort the lonely and stressed.

  • Advocate for peace and justice when and wherever possible.

  • Visit prisoners and shut-ins.

  • Teach, nurture and heal.

  • Take delight in and create a diverse community.

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The Core Values of the Diocese of Oregon

People in Oregon pride themselves on being independent. After considerable discussion, we agreed that the things we valued the most are:

  • Love of Anglican traditions, liturgy, and practice.

  • Respect and need for intellectual inquiry and integrity.

  • Independence of mind and spirit.

  • Incarnational theology.

  • Tolerance as a people and appreciation for all forms of diversity.

  • Care for God’s creation.

  • Commitment to social justice and service to others.

  • Need for open and honest communication.

  • A sense of humor.

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The Core Values of the People of Oregon

Consistent with their independence, Oregonians express a lot of variety in their core values. How-ever, there is relative consensus around the following values:

  • The importance of natural beauty and the proximity of nature.

  • Our care for the environment.

  • Our independence and quirkiness.

  • The importance of water in our lives – the ocean, rivers, lakes, the rain – and the nourish-ment it provides.

  • Progressive thinking.

  • Sustainability and “green” living.

  • A pioneer spirit.

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What sort of Diocese do we want to become?

When we envisioned the Diocese of Oregon in the future, we dreamed of a diocese that is accepting and nourishing; a diocese of renewal and growth; a diocese with a special focus on youth and young families; a diocese grounded in Anglican worship; a diocese connected to the wider church and the world; a diocese where we honor and respect our differences.

When we responded to the question “what do we want more of?” Here are some of the responses:

  • More joy.

  • More collegiality among clergy.

  • More young people in our churches.

  • More creative worship.

  • More evangelism.

  • More use of our buildings by the community.

  • More networking on social justice issues.

When we considered the broader discussion about the future of the Diocese of Oregon, we agreed that our more general goals are to ensure that:

  • All congregations – serving small and large; rural, suburban and urban; and emerging ethnic communities – feel valued and cherished as vital members of one shared ministry.

  • The Bishop and the diocesan leadership are actively guiding a process of ministry, training and empowerment that is available to all clergy and laity.

  • Our gatherings and conversations are filled with joy and mutual celebration of the good things we are building together, with God’s help.

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What Sort of Bishop are We Seeking?

We are looking for a leader who will enable us – the members of the Diocese – to achieve our goals.

Specifically, we expect that our new Bishop:

  • Will walk collaboratively with us, as together we create a new way of being Christ’s church in the 21st Century.

  • Will pioneer with us new ways of being a Bishop and of being a Diocese. These innovations will be congruent with the deeper life-giving realities of being:

    • Joyful followers of Jesus.

    • A Eucharistic community.

    • Oregonians at heart.

  • Has parish experience preferably as a rector or vicar.

  • Has served on a diocesan committee or commission.

  • Has integrity grounded in a personal sense of holiness and security in God.

  • Has experienced redemption in the face of failures and successes.

  • Has a great love of people and nature and the ability to express it.

  • Will recognize Oregonians as independent-minded people who respond to leaders who respect them and have earned their trust but resist those who have not.

  • Is able to inspire and communicate a shared vision.

  • Has experience in a diocese with rural parishes.

  • Is engaged in supporting a learning community.

  • Is grounded and comfortable with self and others.

The Diocese of Oregon

Oregon encompasses a rich diversity of natural beauty. We see the hand of God all around us. Our independent spirit has long attracted people to uproot themselves from other places, repeating the experience of the Oregon Trail.

The Diocese of Oregon comprises the western third of the state, from the Cascade Mountains to the Pacific Ocean; fir trees, wild flowers, and greenery abound summer and winter. People sense God’s presence in this part of creation, whether they claim formal religious affiliation or not. Not surprisingly, Oregon Episcopalians experience God in the beauty of nature as well as in the life of the church.

Oregonians are, by nature, willing to challenge “the way things are,” especially in order to preserve and care for our environment. We are progressive. Oregon was the first state in the nation to pass a bottle bill, to vote by mail exclusively, and we are the only state to have legislated open public access to all beaches.

History of the Diocese of Oregon

Map of the Diocese

Our Parishes

Finances & Budget 2006 - 2009

How We Lead

Churches of Diocese

Diocesan Commissions, Committees,
Ministries & Boards

Bishops of the Diocese


History of the Diocese of Oregon

The first recorded use of the English Book of Common Prayer in the Oregon Country was in 1824 by the Governor of the Hudson’s Bay Company at Fort George, Astoria, although it was almost certainly used by British Captain James Cook during his 1778 exploration of the Oregon Coast in his search for the Northwest Passage. Furthermore, Oregon may have been the location of the first service on American soil to use the Book of Common Prayer on June 15, 1579.

The first Anglican priest, the Rev. Herbert Beaver of the Hudson’s Bay Company, arrived in November 1836 when Oregon was claimed by both Great Britain and the United States. At the time Oregon included all of today’s Oregon, Washington and Idaho and parts of Wyoming, Montana, and British Columbia. After the signing of the Oregon Treaty in June of 1846, which established the 49th parallel as the northern border of the United States, American pioneers flooded in via the Ore-gon Trail. Two years later, the US Congress formally created the Oregon Territory (the part of the Oregon Country below the present day Canadian border).

During the 1840’s the Rev. Michael Fackler, a recent graduate of the Virginia Theological Seminary, arrived in Portland as one of those early pioneers. He was the first American Anglican clergyman in the Oregon Country and held occasional services using the American Book of Common Prayer throughout the territory.

In May 1851, the first official missionary priest, the Rev. William Richmond arrived in Oregon from the Diocese of New York. Within days of discovering the existing Anglican presence in the territory he and Father Fackler held an organizing service with four Episcopalian communicants to form Trinity Church (now Trinity Cathedral) in Portland. It became known as the “mother church of the Northwest” for its efforts at establishing other Episcopal churches throughout the territory. When Trinity’s first wooden structure was consecrated by missionary bishop, the Right Rev. Thomas Fielding Scott, it was the first Episcopal church building north of San Francisco and west of St. Paul, Minnesota.

Other Episcopal churches and institutions soon followed. St. Paul in Oregon City and St. John the Evangelist in Milwaukie were quickly established (see Churches of the Diocese of Oregon). In 1859 the present day Oregon became a state of the union and the remainder of what had been the Oregon Territory became the Washington Territory. St. Helens Hall (now part of the Oregon Episcopal School) was founded in Portland in 1869 and was the first Episcopal school west of the Rocky Mountains; Good Samaritan Hospital followed in 1875. All of this preceded the formal creation of the Diocese of Oregon by General Convention in 1889.

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Our Parishes and Missions

If there is one theme that fairly characterizes most Oregon Episcopalians, it is the spirit of the Oregon Trail – strong, intrepid, self-reliant people. These “pioneers” make up the 19,000 church members of the Diocese in our 74 churches organized into seven Convocations.

There are about 3,000,000 Oregonians living within the boundaries of the diocese. Eighty percent of total diocesan membership occurs in the three principal metropolitan regions (61% Portland; 11% Salem and 8% Eugene) of the state. The remaining 20% of membership is spread throughout the rest of the diocese, principally in several smaller cities (Corvallis, Medford, Ashland, Grants Pass, Coos Bay, and Roseburg) and small towns in rural and coastal areas.

Representative Congregations

There is no one typical congregation in the diocese. There are large urban and suburban churches and mid-sized congregations, but two-thirds of our congregations have fewer than 250 members, and half of those have fewer than 100.

The ten largest churches in the diocese account for just about a half of total church membership. Of these churches, seven are in the Portland metropolitan area, and there is one each in Salem, Eugene, and Corvallis. There are 13 congregations in the 250-500 member range, 25 in the 100-250 range, and 26 with fewer than 100 members. There are eight Hispanic congregations in the diocese. A sampling of some of the churches of the diocese follows.

Trinity Cathedral, Portland

Trinity Cathedral is the church home for almost 2,000 people in the Portland area. The parish is known for its superb music, its broad educational programs, its youth programming, and its outreach to the city and beyond. It is also home of the Center for Spiritual Development. Trinity is among the largest Episcopal parishes in the Western United States.

Music at Trinity is recognized nationally for its depth of repertoire and standard of performance. It attracts talented artists, listeners and worshipers from near and far. Whether accompanying the regular Sunday morning Eucharist, the quiet Vespers services, or festival liturgies, its music is always diverse, creative and grounded in our rich Anglican heritage. An annual Trinity Music Series has become a staple of the Portland cultural scene. Over 12,000 people annually attend musical events at the Cathedral in addition to Sunday morning and other liturgical services. Trinity is home to four choirs as well as the Trinity Consort, which features 17th and 18th century choral works accompanied by period instrumentalists drawn from all over North America. Its Rosales Organ at-tracts renowned organists from the United States and Europe and is recognized as one of America’s finest.

St John the Evangelist, Milwaukie

St. John the Evangelist, the diocese’s eighth largest church, sits near the east shore of the Willamette River in the heart of downtown Milwaukie, directly across the river from the Bishop’s Close. Milwaukie is one of Oregon’s earliest towns and many current residents are descendents of early pioneers. St. John's was founded when the Rev. William Richmond, newly arrived from the Diocese of New York, joined with Father Fackler and a few Milwaukie communicants to formally organize St. John’s just two weeks before Christmas, 1851. St. John’s has provided a spiritual home for generations of Clackamas County residents. The original church building was floated down the river in 1960 and is now the Oaks Pioneer Church in Sellwood. The congregation of almost 600 members is experiencing some growth. Included in the congregation are long-time members, whose children and grandchildren have been formed by attending St. John's Sunday school and youth program, along with younger families and singles. St. John’s is among a handful of churches that features guitar and percussive music during the principal service every Sunday. Newcomers to the parish find worship that is relaxed yet traditional, and that includes a unique blend of traditional and contemporary music each Sunday.

St. Mark, Medford

In 1889, Medford was a small village with a population of about 1,500 – mostly farmers, railroad workers, miners and ranchers. In May of that year, after the completion of the north-south railroad through the Siskiyou and Cascade mountains, the Rev. F.B. Ticknor arrived in the Rogue River Valley to establish Episcopal missions in Medford, Ashland, Grants Pass, and Jacksonville. St. Mark was one of those missions. By 1911 it had become a parish, and as the economy prospered so did the church, with a membership of 1,600 by the mid 1960’s. Today membership is about 500, reflecting a decline in mainline church membership during the past forty years. The Medford area has also had to negotiate the ebbs and flows of a largely declining natural resource based economy. The parish has a large percentage of retired people and, in relative terms, declining numbers of young families and youth. However, the church is the 11th largest congregation in the diocese and the largest outside the Portland area and the Willamette Valley.

Worship at St. Mark is traditionally Anglican and music plays an important role, the experience be-ing enhanced by its Bond tracker pipe organ. St. Mark’s also welcomes the greater Medford community to its classical musical offerings which often feature noted guest performers from all over the region and beyond (e.g., the recent appearance of the Worcester Cathedral Choir from England). Its outreach ministries touch many through programs with the Community Health Center, YMCA, Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, Crop Walk, West Medford Schools, the Medford Gospel Mission, amongst others. St Mark’s parishioners work with St. Vincent De Paul’s Emergency Family Shelter Program to provide housing for homeless families, provide space for the Family Nurturing Center program for at risk children and families; and has developed a community garden for people living in the church’s neighborhood. In short, this is a vital and energetic congregation in which its members experience their spiritual lives with their church community and beyond.

St. Philip the Deacon, Portland

St. Philip the Deacon was organized by a group of primarily West Indian immigrants, mostly from the Virgin Islands and Barbados. Most had attended the old Cathedral (St. Stephens, Portland) and a few had attended Trinity Church (now Cathedral). In 1911 they started meeting together for Morning and Evening Prayer and by 1919 were organized as a mission. By 1923 the congregation sought a larger facility and a church building on the present site was purchased. Morning and Evening Prayer were offered on Sundays, officiated by lay leaders. By 1937, the congregation was able to support a full-time minister with diocesan assistance. Lee Owen Stone, a young graduate of the Episcopal Church’s seminary for colored persons in Kentucky, was called. He settled in to a 37-year pastorate.

Father Stone immersed himself in the work of preaching, administering the sacraments, and provid-ing for the pastoral care of Portland's growing community of people of African descent. The original immigrant congregation grew in the 1940’s as families from southern and mid-western states came to Oregon to work in the war-time shipbuilding industry. Among those who made their way to St. Philip were many college graduates, who left low-paying positions as teachers and social workers in the south and mid-west for the better paying jobs in Portland's shipyards. Many of Portland's black professionals attended St. Philip and Father Stone emerged as a leader of the group which founded the Portland Chapters of the NAACP and the Urban League and, with other community leaders, advocated for an end to discrimination in public accommodations, employment, and housing.

St. Philip the Deacon was admitted as a parish in 1979. Its tradition of involvement in justice ministries continues with its active participation in Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. Community ministries include the Deacon's Dining Room which serves 150-220 meals each Saturday, and offers computer classes to senior citizens. Presently St. Philip the Deacon is engaged in a planning process to build a twenty-two unit structure next door to the parish to house low-income senior citizens.

St. Matthew, Gold Beach

Bordering California, Curry County is the most southwesterly county in the state. Gold Beach, with a population of about 2,000, is the county seat and the home to St. Matthew Gold Beach. First organized in 1940, St. Matthew is a small, vibrant and welcoming Episcopal congregation. With about 40 parishioners, the congregation describes itself as being liturgically strong with chanted Vespers and Morning Prayer in addition to Sunday Eucharist. It is active in its outreach to children in the community and has a ministry of service to Gold Beach tourists and other visitors. Its congregation enjoys growing in its faith and welcomes all to join with them in the journey.

Holy Cross/Iglesia Santa Cruz, Boring

For three decades, the people of Holy Cross/Iglesia Santa Cruz have made a commitment to an identity that is profoundly welcoming, intentionally multicultural, and linguistically and socio-economically diverse. Every single aspect of congregational life is bilingual, including all worship services, every BAC meeting, a growing and active Youth Group, Bible Studies and Sunday School. A bilingual approach to congregational life not only welcomes a growing Latino population, but also addresses the complex needs and reality of the Latino children and youth who comprise approximately 40 percent of its membership.

Special feast days are important here. In October, the congregation plays host as communities from the Mexican state of Michoacán celebrate the Feast Day of St. Jude, San Judas Tadeo. The colorful and joyful event draws over 450 visitors and guests. The celebration includes traditional dances such as Los Viejitos, Los Moros, and Los Soldaditos, as well as offerings, blessings and music, all woven into a Festive Eucharist. In November, All Saints and All Souls Days are celebrated with the creation of a traditional Altar de Día de Muertos.

Even as special celebrations bring a sense of color and vibrancy to the life of the congregation, a critical emphasis is regular Christian formation and leadership development across cultural difference. Holy Cross has an all-Latino Altar Guild, sends Latino delegates to diocesan Convention, and traditionally invites Latinos to serve as the senior warden. Attracting members from the entire East Portland metro area, the result is an exercise in grace that not only has this small rural church literally bursting at the seams, but also requires an ongoing process of formation as the community discovers a way of life that is faithful to the Gospel, respectful to Latino traditions and culture, and authentically Episcopalian.

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How We Lead

Governance of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Oregon is shared amongst several bodies and offices. While we are a hierarchical church, the American Episcopal church provides for meaningful governance roles for both the clergy and laity of the Diocese.


We gather every November for our Diocesan Convention, presided over by our Bishop and attended by canonically resident clergy and elected lay delegates. Convention holds legislative authority in the Diocese. When Convention is not in session, governance is divided amongst the Bishop, the Standing Committee, the Trustees of the Diocese, the Diocesan Counsel, and the Convocations.

Standing Committee, Trustees and Council

Our Standing committee is made up of four clerics and four lay person elected by convention. It serves as the council of advice to the Bishop. In the absence of a Bishop of Oregon, Standing Committee holds ecclesiastical authority. Standing Committee advises the Bishop and gives consent in matters of the disposition of property, ecclesiastical discipline, the election and consecration of Bishops, and in the matter of candidates for ordained ministry. Standing Committee chooses one of its members to be President. The President may be lay or clerical.

The Episcopal Church in the Diocese is incorporated as The Diocese of Oregon. The Board of Trustees of the Corporation of the Diocese of Oregon is comprised of six members elected by Convention (three lay, three clergy) plus the Bishop, Secretary, Chancellor and Treasurer of the Diocese. Trustees are charged with managing the diocesan financial and real property assets. The Bishop of Oregon is the President. The Board elects one of its members to be Vice President, who performs the duties and functions of the President as the President Pro Tem, in the Bishop’s absence or inability to function. The Trustees direct the Treasurer respecting the receipt and payment of money entrusted to the corporation, the custody of all deeds of real property for which it is responsible, and maintenance of the Corporation’s books, accounts and records. Trustees also convey title to real property, and appoint and supervise a Finance Committee charged with reviewing diocesan financial transactions.

The Diocesan Council joins the Bishop in assuring diocesan policies are carried out and oversees development of the annual budget for Convention’s consideration. It is also charged with administering ‘the missionary, educational, and social service work of the Church” in the diocese. In addition to the Bishop and the diocesan Secretary, the Council is comprised of lay and clergy representatives elected by convention and by the Convocations. The Bishop presides at the meetings.


There are seven Convocations in the diocese made up of the canonically resident clergy and lay delegates, elected by their congregation’s respective vestries or advisory councils. The Bishop appoints the convocation Deans, and the clergy or lay delegates elect a President who presides over Convocation meetings. The Convocation clergy meet periodically on the call of the Dean, often monthly, as a Clericus. Presidents of the Convocations meet as a group several times a year to help coordinate and fashion ideas for joint Convention action. The Convocations also elect lay and clergy representatives to serve on Diocesan Council and it is current practice for each Convocation to select a representative for the Diocesan Nominating Committee and the Convention Committee on Resolutions of Policy.

Representative Diocesan Ministries and Outreach

An informal survey of the churches in the Diocese of Oregon reveals that, in addition to Sunday and weekday services, almost all churches provide Sunday School programs and bible study, and many provide programs for youth. Vacation Bible School is offered in some churches. Many congregations have women’s groups, such as Episcopal Church Women, Daughters of the King, prayer shawl groups, or quilting groups, and an equal number sponsor men’s groups such as the Brotherhood of St. Andrew or a lunch group. At least eight churches have a labyrinth. Less frequent are Teens Encounter Christ programs, though these are growing as the initiating churches reach out to others in the Diocese. A few churches have meditation gardens and/or columbaria.

Representative Ministries & Outreach

Youth, Young Adult & Campus Ministries

Outreach Ministries

Adult Education & Inquiry

Diocesan Commissions, Committees, Ministries & Boards

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Youth, Young Adult & Campus Ministries

Youth Ministry

Youth programs in the Diocese of Oregon focus on helping teenagers discover their gifts and be-come leaders in their congregations. In collaboration with the program areas of outdoor ministry, Latino/Hispanic ministry, Christian education, and young-adult/campus outreach, the Youth Ministries Commission sponsors six major youth events a year. The Commission (comprised of six teens and six adults from around the diocese) enforces safe practices for volunteers who serve children and youth, and helps graduating high-school seniors find new homes in campus ministries.

The Diocese of Oregon seeks to provide resources for all youth leaders, from full-time parish staff to occasional volunteers. The Youth Ministries Commission

  • sponsors biannual gatherings for students in middle and high school (unConventional Youth in Autumn and the Bishop’s Ball in Spring),

  • sponsors trips to provincial and national youth gatherings,

  • provides support at the congregational and diocesan levels,

  • provides information about religious-education curricula, team-building and community service opportunities for young people,

  • identifies ways to create or strengthen youth programs in our congregations.

Young-Adult and Campus Ministry

The Diocese of Oregon sponsors chaplaincies at five public universities: Southern Oregon, Western Oregon, Oregon State University, Portland State University, and the University of Oregon. Each campus ministry is governed by its own board of directors; the diocese is responsible for administrative oversight, distribution of funds, and disseminating information about opportunities for young adults in the wider Church. Several of these chaplaincies collaborate to sponsor an annual retreat focused on vocational discernment: Got Plans? Making a Living, Trailblazing a Life. Representatives from each ministry gather quarterly for meetings of the Commission on Higher Education. The diocese also works with congregations that are developing programs geared specifically toward adults ages 18-30, both in and out of college.

Return to ministries.

Outreach Ministries

In the 74 parishes and missions of our Diocese there is a wide array of outreach into our communities and beyond, ranging from feeding the hungry, housing and clothing needy children and families, feeding the soul through wonderful musical offerings, serving the incarcerated, helping with health care needs, engaging in issues involving the environment and social justice, and reaching out to Hispanic and Native American communities. The programs are varied, creative and imaginative – designed to meet the many needs that confront us. Our congregations, large and small, are intentionally engaged in meeting identified needs in ways that fit the communities they serve.

Housing the Homeless and Clothing the Poor

At least nine churches in the diocese are involved in covenant relationships with Habitat for Humanity. In addition, several churches run or support community transitional housing, sometimes in cooperation with other local churches, to assist families in crisis and transition.

Emergency clothing closets, refreshed by clothing drives, are common in the Diocese and some churches collect business clothes for people needing smart clothes for job interviews. In collaboration with the Episcopal social service agency William Temple House in Portland, St. John the Evangelist, Milwaukie assists children with clothing needs. The Clothing Center operates on Saturdays during the back-to-school season and again in time for spring, creating a "quality shopping experience" for children who would otherwise not have access to new clothes. Other churches collect or make baby clothing and blankets for needy babies and children and often work in partnership with community organizations that request aid.

Ministering to Those at the Margins of Society

Four Episcopal churches in the Portland area (Sts. Peter and Paul, Grace Memorial, St. Michael and All Angels, St. John the Evangelist) support Rahab's Sisters. This is a ministry of compassionate hospitality and supportive presence by women for women who work in the sex industry, are homeless or who are marginalized in other ways (such as drug use). A hot meal, support, fellowship and prayers are provided, as well as clothing or hygiene products. Gatherings take place every Friday evening near a location frequented by women in prostitution.

St. Mary, Eugene and Christ Church, Lake Oswego are actively ministering to both men and women who are incarcerated. Eucharist, baptism and counseling are offered regularly at the Coffee Creek women’s prison and at the Lane County Jail in Eugene. In addition, Christ Church supports Project Pooch at the MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility. Young men are paired with shelter dogs, which they learn to train, groom, and place in new adoptive homes. The dogs leave the program ready to be great pets, while the young men re-enter the community with new job and personal skills and increased compassion and respect for life.

Feeding the Hungry

This ministry is long standing and most of our churches are involved in feeding the hungry in some way – most churches maintain emergency food supplies and the majority run soup kitchens or free hot meal programs. Some participate in Meals on Wheels. Here are just a few examples:

  • St. James, Lincoln City serves hot meals to adults and children twice every week. Working out of cramped quarters, where it was almost impossible to meet health standards, this small parish raised funds and built a wonderful new kitchen to better serve the hungry in an area that is economically depressed.

  • Year round, St. Luke, Grants Pass and Christ Church, Lake Oswego prepare weekly hot meals and transport them to parks where homeless and hungry congregate. Christ Church receives food donations from the Western Culinary Institute and has fed up to 400 people every Sunday afternoon for 18 years. St Luke’s members feed as many as 40 people every week.

  • During 2008, Trinity Cathedral’s long standing Food Pantry ministry provided 9,300 food bags, 2,715 lunches, and 2,660 Sisters of the Road Cafe meal coupons to an average of 50 guests per day. Sixty parishioners make year-long volunteer commitments to staff the Food Pantry.

  • St. Thomas, Eugene and St. Aidan, Gresham both raise vegetables in community gardens on the church property. St Thomas is blessed with considerable land which the parishioners, with the help of others, have developed into a large and productive market garden that raises produce for the local food bank.

  • Sunset Convocation works with several sponsors to gather resources for the Oregon Food Bank each year.

  • St. Mark, Medford is developing a community garden and collects food for ACCESS, an organization that operates food pantries, provides food boxes, on-site meals and other services for the needy.

  • For 20 years, St. Barnabas, McMinnville has served hot meals to those in need. From small beginnings, they have expanded to three times a week, serving up to 200 people. Each guest is treated with dignity and respect and fed great food in a spiritually caring environment.

  • St. Mathias, Cave Junction has an ongoing lunch program serving meals twice a week.

Bringing the Church to the Elderly and Infirm

Many of our churches conduct services in assisted living centers and other residential settings and take communion to shut-in members of their congregations. Trinity Cathedral parishioners volunteer at Trinity Place Adult Day Care to provide social activities for people with Alzheimer’s disease and related memory disorders which, in turn, provides some respite for their caregivers.

Teaching, Nurturing, Healing and Advocating for Justice

Many of our churches have community after school programs for children. Some programs provide reading and tutoring help; others, activities for latch key children needing nourishment and supervision after school; and yet others, organized activities for teens.

Some churches provide assistance with health needs in collaboration with local community services. Health services are provided formally through the hospital systems with Episcopal roots in Portland and Corvallis, and the Community Counseling Center in Eugene. An example of more informal ministry is the assembly of home pharmacy kits by St. Mark, Medford for families at community health centers.

At Trinity Cathedral, a Creating Assets, Savings and Hope (CASH) program provides volunteer income tax assistance. Trinity parishioners also participate in the monthly Oregon Faith Roundtable against Hunger, and in 2008 its Director of Outreach joined with Oregon Food Bank and the Oregon Hunger Relief Taskforce to directly lobby Oregon’s US Senators Gordon Smith and Ron Wyden regarding the nutrition title program in the new Federal Farm Bill.

Global Outreach

Many churches in the diocese are working with relief, medical or educational groups in poorer countries throughout the world. Here are a few examples:

  • During 2008 the entire diocese was involved in raising money for the Nets for Life program of Episcopal Relief & Development. This highly successful program provides long-lasting insecticide-treated mosquito nets to help prevent malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa. Altogether, more than $50,000 was collected, providing nearly 4,200 nets for this life-saving program.

  • The Masaka School in Uganda teaches and, in many cases, houses 1,200 students, most of whom are AIDS orphans. An ongoing relationship with Christ Church, Lake Oswego helps with new buildings, supplies, transport and teachers’ salaries.

  • St Michael and All Angels sends teams to El Tempique in rural Nicaragua to build sanitation and irrigation structures and other basic necessities.

  • Churches in Southern Oregon are supporting the Maasae School in Monduli, Tanzania, a girls’ school in a male-dominated culture.

  • Christ Church, Lake Oswego supports a medical mission in Lima, Peru that ministers to boys who live on the street. Every year a team, including a medical doctor, travels to Peru and spends part of its time in Lima and part in rural Arequippa where they serve the villagers.

  • Trinity Cathedral partners with Mercy Corps and its Project Global Village to provide infrastructure support in Montañuelas, Honduras. In 2008, 28 parishioners worked with community members to build latrines and make improvements to the community’s elementary school. Trinity’s Outreach Ministries Commission has several other outreach ministries in Honduras.

Return to ministries.

Adult Education and Inquiry

Most of our churches offer education programs for their congregations. Many of our churches place special emphasis on adult educational programming that can provide insight through intelligent debate and discourse. Trinity Cathedral in Portland has developed a very special ministry in this respect and it has truly flourished.

The Center for Spiritual Development (Center) provides many and varied learning opportunities for the whole diocese – and for those of other faith traditions as well. Now in its eleventh year, the Center offers adult Christian education and biblical study, spiritual development and practice, public lectures and pilgrimages for a wide spectrum of participants.

The Center offers in-depth seminars and educational programs to explore our understanding of what it means to be Christian and church in the 21st Century. The Center attracts internationally known theologians and biblical scholars as seminar leaders and instructors. One current three-year program, Seeking God in the 21st Century, provides a deep encounter with the Christian tradition and its place in a post-modern and pluralistic world. The Center also offers many public lectures by leading contemporary theological voices – for example, John Dominic Crossan, Marcus Borg, Karen Armstrong, Huston Smith, Sr. Joan Chittister, the Right Rev. John Shelby Spong, Martin Marty, the Right Rev. Frank Griswold, and Diana Butler Bass have been recent speakers.

Return to ministries.

Diocesan Institutions and Other Church Organizations

The Bishop’s Close is home of the offices of the diocese in Portland. The property is the former Peter Kerr Estate given to the diocese in 1959. The Close sits on a high bluff overlooking the Willamette River and includes six acres of cultivated English gardens (the Elk Rock Garden) that are open to the public in accordance with Peter Kerr’s wishes.

Oregon Episcopal School

The Oregon Episcopal School (OES) in Portland began life as the girls’ St. Helens Hall (founded in 1869) and the boys’ Bishop Dagwell Hall, and is a nationally ranked independent school. OES has an outstanding math, science and technology program and facilities and is renowned for its focus on individual research. Eighty percent of the upper school students participate in sports and the school also excels in the performing arts . OES’s 830 day and boarding students come from all over the United States and from 12 counties in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The Bishop of Oregon serves as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the Diocesan Convention elects nine Trustees.

Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center, Portland

Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center, Portland, was founded in Portland in October 1875 by pioneering Oregon Episcopalians. Today, it is a nationally recognized medical and teaching center. In 1989 the Diocese relinquished management and operation to the Legacy Health System, a nonprofit corporation. However, the hospital is still associated with the diocese and there are four chaplains and a Director of Spiritual Care who are Episcopal priests. The Chapel of Good Samaritan remains under the Bishop’s authority. The Bishop and one Director, elected by Diocesan Convention, serve on the Legacy Health System Board of Directors. The Corporation operates seven hospitals in the Portland metropolitan area including Emanuel Hospital, founded by early Lutherans.

Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, Corvallis

Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, Corvallis is the flagship institution of the five-hospital network comprising Samaritan Health Services in the Corvallis area. The hospital was founded in 1921 as Corvallis General. The owners relinquished control to the Diocese in 1948 and the hospital was renamed Good Samaritan, Corvallis. The Bishop of Oregon is the Chairman of the Board of Directors and appoints two additional Board members.

William Temple House

While William Temple House, Portland (WTH) isn’t formally a Diocesan Institution , it has a close association with the diocese. Founded in the 1960s as the Episcopal Layman’s Mission Society to operate a center for pastoral and licensed professional psychological counseling, its mission expanded to include emergency assistance for individuals and families in crisis. WTH today provides mental health counseling, emergency social services, health and hygiene services, as well as food and clothing to thousands of clients in the Portland metropolitan area and beyond. It partners with Ss. Peter and Paul, Portland on a family dentistry program; St. John the Evangelist, Milwaukie to provide a children’s clothing facility; All Saints, Hillsboro, which provides services at William Temple House West; and with St. Andrew, Portland to provide social services in North Portland.

Center for Community Counseling

In 1978, St. Thomas, Eugene was instrumental in founding the Center for Community Counseling which provides affordable counseling and education to adults with limited financial resources in Eugene and Lane County. Some 80 professionals volunteer their time to provide an array of individual counseling including adult anger management classes and nurturing parent classes. The Bishop appoints one member of the Board of Directors.

Samaritan Village, Corvallis

Samaritan Village, Corvallis is a retirement facility sponsored by the Diocese of Oregon and in operation since 1962. Located near community health facilities, Oregon State University and other services, residents are able to enjoy the cultural advantages of neighbouring institutions. The Bishop of Oregon is President of the Board of Trustees.

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon

Many individual congregations in the diocese, and the Diocese itself, are active participants in the work of the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO), a statewide association of mainline Christian institutions (including Anglican, Protestant, Roman Catholic and Orthodox bodies). Through community ministry, public policy advocacy, theological dialogue and environmental ministry, EMO seeks to bring Oregon’s diverse faith community together. Two members of the Board of Directors are ordained Episcopalians.

Northwest House of Theological Studies

In the 1990’s there was no school of theology in the Pacific Northwest that met the needs of mainline churches. This led to the formation of the Northwest House of Theological Studies (NHTS). NHTS students can complete part of the coursework toward a Master of Divinity degree in a quality, Northwest-focused educational environment. The Diocese of Oregon joined with five other denominational bodies, six divinity schools (including the Episcopal Church Divinity School of the Pacific), and Willamette University to create and operate the NHTS on the Willamette Campus in Salem. The Board of Directors includes two Episcopalians from the Diocese (one lay, one priest) as well as representatives of the United Methodist Church, the American Baptist Churches of Oregon, the Oregon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ.

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Some of Our Challenges

Sometimes Episcopalians can raise barriers for those who were not raised in the Anglican Church. Such issues need to be addressed if the Episcopal Church is to attract new members. As our church population continues to grey, our diocesan membership has plateaued or fallen, as it has across the USA. We will need to explore new ways to be genuinely inviting to all, regardless of race, gender, age, or economic status, to share with us the joy and comfort of being welcome together at God’s table.

Economic Health and Financial Issues

Declining populations and increasing unemployment in many small towns present special obstacles. Some communities are now facing challenges as their natural resource-based economies decline and competition from overseas market increases. Many communities have diversified their economic bases, but others are struggling. These forces translate into declining congregations and new test for some churches in the diocese. By adapting our evangelism to include more people of color, non-native English speakers, and young people, we may address some of this decline.

Sustainability of Our Congregations

One third of our churches with the largest congregations are experiencing growth while the smallest one third are experiencing decline (with some notable exception). We must be prepared to address strategies for remedial action – or face what might become inevitable for some of our churches, including even the possibility of closure, if creative alternative solutions cannot be found. The growth and vibrancy of our eight Hispanic congregations point to one strategy.

The Way We “Do Church” in the Twenty-First Century

The ways we approach our church and Christianity in the twenty-first century is an important issue for us to explore with our new bishop. The Cathedral’s Center for Spiritual Development is a rich resource in this area of concern, frequently offering speakers and programs on these issues.

Gay and Lesbian Access to Rituals and Blessings

Full access to our church’s rituals and blessings for gay and lesbian members is being discussed in the diocese. Blessings of same-sex relationships have been taking place in some of our churches, though with little publicity, for several years. At convention in November 2008 a resolution was introduced that would have formally authorized access to such rituals and blessings of same-sex partners in our diocese. Given that General Convention is expected to address the adoption of liturgies for such celebrations this summer, and that a deliberate process for open conversation on this matter has not yet taken place, the proponents of the convention resolution joined with other delegates to introduce a substitute mandating that the seven Convocations, through their Presidents and Deans, facilitate a discussion process on this subject with convocation clergy and delegates at their meetings, prior to convention 2009 and to report back to Convention on the results. The resolution received wide support and was adopted by Convention 2008. These conversations are now taking place in the convocations in and environment allowing all points of view to be heard.

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Joining Our Search Process

How to Apply

This process is one of mutual discernment. We hope you will enjoy this journey, learning about us and yourself as we prayerfully seek the 10th Bishop of Oregon.

To begin this journey:

  1. Fill out the attached Application Form and Prior Experience Checklist.

  2. Answer the four questions, following the instructions.

  3. Contact four individuals to be your references and complete the consent form.

  4. Obtain your Church Deployment Office (CDO) Personal Profile.

  5. Submit a resume.

  6. Send your resume, CDO, names of references, consent form, application form, prior experience checklist and the one page answers to each of four questions to:

Mary M. Cramer
Co-Chair Search Committee
1221 SW 10th Avenue, #413
Portland, OR 97205

Applications will be accepted beginning April 1, 2009. All applications must be complete by May 15, 2009.

Search Timeline



Application period opens.

May 15

Application period closes.

May 15-June 1

Possible phone interviews, if necessary.

June 1

Applicants notified of status.
References contacted.
Background checks begin.


Selected candidates invited for interviews.


Possible site visits.


Applicants notified of status.
Slate announced to diocese.



November 19-21

Diocesan Convention and Election of the 10th Bishop of Oregon.


February – March


April 10

Installation of the 10th Bishop of Oregon.

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Search & Transition Committees

Search Committee

The Rev. Roberto Arciniega
St. Michael/San Miguel, Newberg

The Rev. Paul Barthelemy, Co-Chair
St. Catherine of Alexandria, Manzanita

James Baxendale, Esq.
Trinity Cathedral, Portland

Sydney Brewster, Esq.
St. Paul, Salem

Dr. Mary M. Cramer, Co-Chair
Trinity Cathedral, Portland

The Rev. Dcn Nancy Crawford
St. Mary, Eugene

Ms. Mary Dorscheimer
St. John the Baptist, Portland

The Rev. Sara Fischer
St. John the Evangelist, Milwaukie

Dr. E. Ann Frazier
Christ Church, Lake Oswego

Ms. Debra McFadden
St. Mark, Medford

The Rev. Jo Miller
St. John, Bandon

The Rev. Kurt Neilson
Ss. Peter & Paul, Portland

Ms. Arlene Pickard
Trinity Cathedral, Portland

The Rev. David Sweeney
Calvary, Seaside

Mr. James Walker
St. Philip the Deacon, Portland


The Rev. Dr. Caroline Litzenberger
St. Michael and All Angels, Portland
Chaplain to the Committee


Transition Committee

Ms. Edna Auld
St. Christopher, Port Orford

Mr. John Davis, Co-Chair
St. Thomas, Dallas

The Rev. Scott Dolph
St. Aidan, Gresham

Mr. John Ferris
Trinity, Ashland

The Rev. Dcn Beth Mallon
St. Francis of Assisi, Wilsonville

Ms. Sonja Miller
All Saints, Portland

The Rev. Mary Piper, Co-Chair
St. Martin, Shady Cove

Ms. Caprice Rosato
St. Thomas, Dallas

The Rev. Steve Tyson
Emmanuel, Coos Bay


The Very Rev. Roy Coulter
Trinity Cathedral, Portland
Chaplain to the Committee

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Our Oregon

Oregon is noted worldwide for its varied and diverse recreation opportunities. Western Oregon (the boundaries of which define the Diocese of Oregon) contains two mountain ranges, the Cascades and the Coast Range. Both extend the full length of the state from the Columbia River in the north to the California border.

Portland is Oregon’s largest city (and center of the nation’s 23rd largest metropolitan region with a population of over 2 million) and principal cultural center followed by Eugene (155,000) and Salem (154,000), the state’s capital city. Many smaller cities and towns are scattered throughout the Diocese.

In the text below you will find information about:

Oregon's History

Culture & Recreation

Oregon's Economy

Higher Education in Oregon


An Oregon Reading List

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Before Europeans explored Oregon, as many as 80 Native American tribes prospered here. The Oregon Country had been claimed variously by Great Britain, Russia, and Spain. The United States staked its claim in 1792 when Captain Robert Gray sailed into the Columbia River. The Lewis and Clark expedition (1804-07) culminated at the mouth of the Columbia near present day Astoria and further reinforced American claims to Oregon. Trappers and traders were the harbingers of the coming migration.

Between 1840 and 1850 more than 53,000 people traversed the Oregon Trail. Native American exposure to diseases such as smallpox and diphtheria decimated the tribes, and that, along with the encroachment of settlers on tribal lands, was the cause of much strife between Native Americans and incoming Europeans. The American government encouraged migration to Oregon in order to strengthen its hold on the land. The United States perfected its claim to the Oregon Country below the 49th parallel with the signing of the Oregon Treaty in 1846 with Great Britain. The federal Land Donation Law allotted 320 acres to white male pioneers and 640 acres to married white couples. That helped provide the impetus for the western expansion and the American idea of its "manifest destiny".

Oregon's Economy

While economic development was slow in the coastal region, the Willamette Valley and Portland in particular boomed. Portland became a major shipping port, especially in wheat. In the 1880s, the coming of the railroads connecting Portland with San Francisco and the transcontinental railroad further fueled economic development. Portland became the economic center of the state.

The First World War stimulated the shipyards and timber trades in Oregon, especially Portland. In the 1930s, New Deal programs such as the Works Projects Administration and the Civilian Conservation Corps built many projects around the state, including such Oregon treasures as Timberline Lodge on Mount Hood. The lives of many Oregonians were improved when roads were built and hydroelectric dams harnessed the Columbia River. This encouraged settlement, and irrigation water from the Columbia enabled agricultural development. The Bonneville Dam was a plentiful and inexpensive source of power, which stimulated the development of industries such as aluminum smelters during World War II. Food production, shipbuilding and the lumber industry were also greatly enhanced by the needs of the nation during WWII.

Since 1945 the economy has evolved, largely in the major urban areas, into one that focuses on high technology, banking, professional services, and tourism; and with an impetus from the state’s research universities, medical research and biotechnologies. These developments have occurred simultaneously with a decline in natural resource based industries and present a challenge today for the state and for the Diocese.

Return to Oregon.


Metropolitan Portland

The Portland area comprises half of the population of the whole state and three quarters of the population of the Diocese of Oregon. It has a cosmopolitan urban environment and is the financial center of the state. Lying at the confluence of two great rivers, the Columbia and the Willamette, it is a beautiful city, vibrant and architecturally rich, with some spectacular parks including an exceptional Rose Garden. There are many institutions of higher education in Portland and several excellent museums. Hand crafted beers are popular and thoroughly enjoyed by Oregonians. Several of the specialty brewers are located in Portland.

Northern Coast

Oregon's north coast is a popular playground for locals and weekend visitors. The Lewis and Clark Expedition’s terminus near Astoria is a destination for tourists. To the south are Seaside, Canon Beach and Tillamook. Camp grounds, Bed and Breakfasts, and small hotels are plentiful as are the recreational opportunities throughout this region.

The Columbia Gorge

The Columbia Gorge is a spectacular phenomenon of nature just east of Portland. Well known for its views of snow covered mountains and the Columbia River, it is famous for its salmon fishing, wind-surfing and resorts. For Lewis and Clark and for many Oregon pioneers travelling through the Columbia Gorge, it was the last great leg of the Oregon Trail journey.

The Willamette Valley

The Willamette Valley, extending from Portland south to Eugene, is a fertile stretch of land with lush fields of crops and thick green forests. It is one of the most agriculturally rich areas in the world – it was the dream destination of the pioneers who crossed the continent on the Oregon Trail. The wide variety of crops grown in this region includes grass seed, mint, nursery and landscape plants, nuts, berries, hops and wine grapes. It is home to many fine wineries, and to the University of Oregon (Eugene) and the Oregon State University (Corvallis). Taking a wine tour, seeing the picturesque covered bridges or visiting farmers' markets are excellent ways to discover the Willamette Valley.

Southern Oregon

Medford, Ashland, Grant’s Pass and Roseburg are significant cities in Southern Oregon. Ashland is home to Southern Oregon University and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, which are principal economic drivers to the local economy. Other theatre groups and the music and dance offerings of the Britt Festival held in the historic gold mining town of Jacksonville also attract significant tourism. In Southern Oregon, recreation is a year round experience. Perennial favorites include skiing, snowshoeing, white water rafting, angling, hiking, biking and camping.

Southern Coast

The dark sands of Oregon's southern coast set the region apart as a world of its own. Collecting unusual stones, watching for whales, or just walking by the surf for miles and miles are hallmarks of the Southern Oregon coast experience. Recreational opportunities are plentiful and include golfing, hiking the lush coastal forests, exploring the wild rivers, or discovering the charm of its small coastal towns.

Return to Oregon.

Culture and Recreation

In recent years, the cultural scene in Portland has exploded, attracting all sorts of innovative artists, young and old. Whatever your cultural leanings, Oregon is likely to offer a wide range of choices at any time of the year. From the Oregon Symphony to the “Do Jump!” Dance Theater, and from the food and wine festivals to the many art museums and galleries, there is an array of cultural events from which to choose. Many events take place in the Portland cultural district, but others are in cities and towns across the state. Eugene has a state-of-the-art auditorium, and smaller theaters and concert halls abound in other towns and cities. Other areas in Portland that are rich in the arts are the trendy NW Pearl District and the up-and-coming eastside cultural area


Notable symphony orchestras in Oregon include the Oregon Symphony, founded in 1896. Concerts range from classical to pops. The Eugene Symphony also offers a full season of concerts. The Portland Baroque Orchestra offers a season of intimate music played with remarkable energy on historic instruments. Two youth orchestras are active in Oregon – the Portland Youth Philharmonic is the oldest youth orchestra in the USA, and the Metropolitan Youth Symphony is also highly regarded. Various choirs are active in Oregon; three of note are the Oregon Repertory Singers, the Portland Symphonic Choir and the Gay Men’s Chorus.

Music can be quite eclectic in Oregon. Here are a few examples: recognizing our position on the Pacific Rim, Portland has an Asian-American Taiko drumming ensemble. The city is host every Summer to the Chamber Music Northwest series. In Newport on the Oregon coast, the Ernest Bloch Festival is held each year to honor the composer who spent his last years at Agate beach, just north of Newport. An ensemble calling itself 3 Leg Torso performs a synthesis of chamber music, tango, klezmer, Latin and world music. The Peter Britt Music Festival in Jacksonville provides a wide range of music, including folk, country, bluegrass, jazz, musical theater and dance. The festival hosts dozens of summer concerts, performed at the beautiful hillside estate of 19th century photographer and horticulturist, Peter Britt.


At the intersection of music and theater, the Portland Opera offers five productions each year, featuring international artists. In association with Broadway Across America, the Opera also presents touring productions of Broadway shows throughout the year.


Eight dance companies are active in Portland, alone, with the Oregon Ballet Theatre, a nationally regarded classical company, being the most prominent. There are other experimental companies such as “Do Jump!”. White Bird presents a season of touring national dance companies. Dance companies flourish in many other towns and cities.

Return to Oregon.


Live theatre in Oregon is excellent. There are approximately 40 companies in Portland alone. The Portland Center for the Performing Arts complex with its four venues is the focus for several companies but there are many other smaller venues as well. Portland boasts four Actors’ Equity companies. The Artists Repertory Theater, the Portland Center Stage are just two. The Broadway Rose Theater are is a professional musical theater company based in the Portland suburbe of Tigard. There are several children’s theaters as well.

Founded in 1935, the Tony Award-winning Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland is one of the oldest and largest theatre companies in the nation. From February through October, 11 plays, by a wide variety of playwrights, are produced in three theatres and attended by more than 400,000 people annually. It also has a significant theatre education program. The Oregon Shakespeare Festival is considered one of the finest Shakespearean companies in the world.

Most of Oregon’s principal cities and many towns also have theater companies. One well known company is the Coaster Theatre in Cannon Beach on the Oregon coast. A list of Oregon’s regional arts organizations can be found in Oregon's Bluebook.

Art Galleries and Museums

Art galleries abound in Oregon – there are more than 150 galleries and numerous museums in the Portland area and scores more in smaller cities and towns. The Portland Art Museum is a significant regional art museum in its own right but it also presents touring collections of note several times a year. Exhibits also change regularly in the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, the World Forestry Center, the Children’s Museum, and the Oregon Historical Society Museum. On the first Thursday of the month, Portland’s First Thursday gallery walks feature shows and openings at scores of art galleries in the Pearl District. Both Lewis and Clark College and Reed College have significant art galleries that are open to the public.

Food, Wine and Hand Crafted Beer

Food and culinary arts have reached cultural status in Oregon. Many communities offer farmers’ markets with a bountiful array of freshly grown produce in addition to music and conviviality. There are many Community Supported Agriculture farms. The City of Lake Oswego, for example, bought a farm on its periphery and offers residents the opportunity to buy a share of its seasonal output or to grow their own produce.

There are many wine and food festivals all over the state. One, The Sip, is held at the Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville and attracts many of the local wineries, cheese makers and other cottage food producers. Cooking classes are also treated as culture in Oregon.

Oregon’s wines, especially Pinot Noirs, are well regarded internationally. While hand crafted beers tend to remain in the state, they are prized by loyal followers.

Recreation and Tourism

There are many excellent ski areas and resorts which regularly receive over 200 inches of snow annually. Skiing starts early in the fall and can last until the 4th of July. One area offers summer skiing. Fishing, hiking, boating, mountain climbing, water skiing, golfing and sailing are favorite activities here. Numerous other recreational opportunities are available. Because of our mild climate, many activities are available year round. The following is a small selection.

  • The Portland Rose Festival is a major event that includes the Starlight Parade, the Starlight run, the Grand Floral Parade, dragon boat races, the Rose Cup races, a traditional rose show, and much more. US and Canadian Naval ships arrive in town, and sailors enjoy the hospital-ity of the city.

  • Silver Falls State Park, near Salem, has ten magnificent waterfalls. Hiking around or behind these waterfalls is a cool way to spend a hot afternoon. Other park facilities include biking and hiking trails, picnic areas and a small lake.

  • The Rogue River jet boat trips, either from Grants Pass or Gold Beach, provide white water excitement. The boats run through a wild and scenic section of the Rogue, where many dif-ferent types of wildlife, such as osprey, bald eagles, bear, deer, beaver and otters can be seen.

  • Crater Lake National Park, located in Klamath County, is Oregon's only National Park. The sapphire blue water of Crater Lake is one of Oregon's most photographed sights. There are more than 100 miles of hiking trails in the park offering marvelous views.

Return to Oregon.

Higher Education in Oregon

State Universities

Oregon’s public higher education system has three major state universities (University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon State University in Corvallis and Portland State University in Portland). All have large undergraduate populations and extensive graduate studies. The University of Oregon has a highly regarded Honors College, and OSU offers engineering, forestry, oceanography, and other applied sciences. Portland State University is an urban university with many commuter students but also a growing number of on-campus residential students. It has a broad range of offerings, many of which relate to its urban focus.

Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) is located in Portland, and comprises the medical, dental, pharmacy and nursing schools as well as the Oregon Graduate Institute, the Veterans Administration hospital and other specialty teaching and research hospitals. OHSU grew out of the University of Oregon Medical School, whose origins date back to the 1860’s. After running out of room on its Marquam Hill campus the university is developing another campus on the Willamette River, now connected by the innovative Portland Aerial Tram.

Other components of the state higher education system are the three regional four-year universities (Western Oregon University in Monmouth, Southern Oregon University in Ashland, and Eastern Oregon University in La Grande) which began life as normal schools for the education of teachers, and the Oregon Institute of Technology in Klamath Falls.

Oregon’s system of public higher education has suffered from modest state support compared with other states, although data shows that the two year growth in spending in absolute terms has in-creased 21.8% (versus a national average of 7.9%), the largest increase of any state. It remains to be seen how the current economic challenges facing Oregon and the nation will affect the state’s colleges and universities.

Community Colleges

Oregon has 17 community colleges, thirteen of which are geographically in the Diocese of Oregon. The enrollment in 2007 was more than 91,000 full-time equivalent students. About one third of high school graduates enroll in community colleges, but two-thirds of the students are older than 24 years and many are senior citizens seeking to enrich their retirement years.

Independent Colleges and Universities

There are ten institutions offering four-year bachelors degrees (see below). All offer liberal arts programs and many also have professional curricula such as business, health professions or law. The most academically rigorous institution of the group and one of the most selective nationally is Reed College. Reed has had many Rhodes Scholars and a high percentage of its graduates go on to earn doctorates. There are three Art Schools in Oregon, all in Portland. A complete list of independent institutions of higher education can be found at the State of Oregon Bluebook website.

Follow these links to detailed information about Oregon colleges and universities.

Public Institutions
Portland State University, Portland
Oregon State University, Corvallis
University of Oregon, Eugene
Western Oregon University, Monmouth
Southern Oregon University, Ashland
Eastern Oregon University, LaGrande
Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls
Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland

Private Institutions
University of Portland, Portland
Willamette University, Salem
Linfield College, McMinnville
Concordia University, Portland
George Fox University, Newberg
Lewis & Clark College, Portland
Marylhurst University, Lake Oswego
Pacific University, Forest Grove
Reed College, Portland
Warner Pacific College, Portland

Return to Oregon.

Oregon Reading List

The Oregon Cultural Heritage Commission, as part of the Oregon’s celebration this year of it 150 years of statehood, has produced a list of 100 well known and loved works by favorite authors on Oregon themes. The list can be accessed at Oregon Cultural Heritage Commission web site. There you will find novels, poetry, memoirs and nonfiction listed by such well known authors as Beverly Cleary, Ken Kesey, Barry Lopez, and William Stafford.

As you review this list and sample some of the books, life in Oregon become palpable. Here are a few titles that you might find interesting:

  • A Girl from Yamhill by Beverly Cleary

  • The River Why by David James Duncan

  • The Jump Off Creek by Molly Gloss

  • Sometimes a Great Notion by Ken Kesey

  • Winterkill by Craig Lesley

  • The Journals of the Expedition by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

  • Of Wolves and Men by Barry Lopez

  • A Saga of a Paper Mill by Laurence Pratt

  • Traveling Through the Dark by William Stafford.

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Resources for the Parish

Seeking a Shepherd Education Curriculum

Adult Education

The search for a new bishop offers the Diocese of Oregon a unique opportunity to reflect on what it means to be a bishop in this time and place. The Seeking a Shepherd adult education curriculum is intended to equip delegates, and those who elect them, to make wise and informed decisions. It is an invitation for all to study, learn, and pray together about what we desire in a bishop, and to consider what issues might engage us and our new bishop in the future.

The curriculum is designed to be delivered in four sessions; however, each session is designed to stand alone.A leader's guide along with enrichment materials and resources are included for each session. The use of these materials will require additional preparation and discussion time, and is left to the discretion of the congregational leadership. In addition, inserts are provided for use in the Sunday bulletin. They may be used in any sequence at any time and might be helpful in encouraging conversation and attendance at the sessions.

Children's Sessions

Curriculum is also available in two session lessons for children ages 6 to 12 and may be adapted to suit individual parish settings. Download the Children's Sessions curriculum packet.

Bishop Search Selection Process

Download the Diocese of Oregon Bishop Search at a Glance pdf document and learn more about the Bishop Search selection process.

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Contact Information

Questions about the search for the 10th Bishop of the Diocese of Oregon can be directed to:

Search Committee Co-chairs:

The Rev. Paul Barthelemy

Mary M. Cramer

Applications for the position of the Tenth Bishop of Oregon should be mailed to:

Mary M. Cramer
Co-Chair, Search Committee
1221 SW 10th Avenue, #413
Portland, OR 97205

Applications must be received by 5:00pm, May 15, 2009

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(click panel to view details)

The Rev. Dr. Michael Joseph Hanley
Rector, St. Christopher Episcopal Church
Roseville, Minnesota

Elected 10th Bishop of Oregon

Michael was born in 1954 and grew up in Oklahoma and in New York City. He earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Oklahoma in 1976 and a M.Div. from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois, in 1981. He also holds a D.Min. in Congregational Development from Seabury-Western (2005). Michael has served parishes in Oklahoma, Missouri, and, for the past nineteen years, Minnesota. In the Diocese of Minnesota he has served in a variety of elected and appointed leadership positions and is currently a trustee of Seabury-Western. He is known as a supportive mentor to people of all ages and stages of life, with a deep spiritual center. In a recent sabbatical he completed the 500-mile walking pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella, Spain, with his daughter. In his spare time he has been a storyteller, performing for schools, churches, and other civic groups. He is married to Marla Martin Hanley, an associate academic dean at St. Catherine University in the Twin Cities. Michael and Marla are the proud parents of two adult daughters. About our search process Michael wrote:

I am excited by the challenges and joys of walking collaboratively with you and pioneering news ways of being a bishop. I believe the Anglican Communion is in need of such leadership. The values you claim—tolerance, diversity, independence, love of Mother Earth and a commitment to social justice—I find wonderfully refreshing.

Download Michael Hanley's answers to the nominees' four questions.
Download Michael Hanley's resume.

The Rev. Dr. Andrew Jeffrey MacBeth
Rector, Calvary Church
Memphis, Tennessee

Andy was born in 1949, and is a 1971 graduate of Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia. He earned his M.Div. from Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Mass., in 1975, and since then has served churches in Florida, Ohio, Massachusetts, and Virginia Beach, Virginia (where much of his ministry was with military families). He is currently rector of a large urban parish in Memphis. Shared ministry, justice, outreach, and growth are threads woven throughout his experience. In 2000, he earned a D.Min. from Virginia Theological Seminary. He is the author of Dearly Beloved: Navigating your Church Wedding. Sabbatical study has taken him to St. George’s College in Jerusalem and to a small parish in an Athabascan village on the Yukon in the Diocese of Alaska. He is married to Sybil MacBeth, author of Praying in Color: Drawing a New Path to God, and they have two sons, one of whom lives with his wife in Seattle. Here’s what he wrote about being part of our search process:

I am intrigued by Oregon’s desire to forge a new kind of relationship with its bishop. I feel called to a ministry of support and encouragement for clergy and lay leaders in congregations. My gift is to help people discern and celebrate what God is doing in their midst, strengthening their discipleship and encouraging their ministry.

Download Andrew MacBeth's answers to the nominees' four questions.
Download Andrew MacBeth's resume.

The Rev. Canon Britt Elaine Olson
Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of Northern Califonria
Sacramento, California

Britt was born in Alaska in 1959, and at the age of seven settled in Oregon with her family. She graduated from the University of Oregon in 1981. She earned her M.Div. from Church Divinity School of the Pacific in 1996. While in seminary, she also studied at Ripon Theological College in Oxford, England. She has served parishes in Oregon (as a laywoman at St. Michael and All Angels, Portland, and as Assistant Rector at Christ Church, Lake Oswego) and Nevada. In 2006 she began her current ministry as Canon to the Ordinary in Northern California; before that she was Canon for Evangelism and Congregational Development in the Diocese of El Camino Real. She is married to Bryon Hansen, who is a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in Auburn, California. Britt has travelled extensively, and led pilgrimages to England. Throughout her professional life in the church she has stayed active in community organizations outside the church. She is enjoys hiking, snowshoeing, sailing, and the great outdoors. She writes about her participation in our process:

Oregon is my heart’s home. I believe that the diocese is poised for a new, vibrant and hope-filled future and I would be honored to be part of that Spirit-led development. Certainly my experience has prepared me for this vocation, but more importantly, my heart sings when I read the profile and consider what may be possible if I am called to serve with you as your Bishop.

Download Britt Olson's answers to the nominees' four questions.
Download Britt Olson's resume.



Election Results

Ballot 1
Ballot 2
Total Votes Cast
Needed to Elect
The Rev. Dr. Michael Joseph Hanley
The Rev. Dr. Andrew Jeffrey MacBeth
The Rev. Canon Britt Elaine Olson